Nutrition for healthy skin: Foods that promote clear glowing skin

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Nutrition for healthy skin: Foods that promote clear glowing skin

Everyone wants skin that is clear, glowing, and beautiful, whether they are male or female, and let’s not forget that people still judge you based on your physical appearance. 

However, with stress, makeup, pollution, poor diet, climate and weather conditions, and many more factors, it is not always possible for our skin to remain clear at all times. 

In this article, we take a look at skin problems and ways to have glowing and healthy skin by following a strict diet from the best nutritionist in Bangalore.

The majority of people do have various skin conditions, ranging in severity, but we can all agree that any condition has an impact on your self-confidence. 

There has been an increase in the use of dubious techniques, like the use of skin whitening creams, to treat blemished skin, and people don’t even check to see if these products are suitable for their skin types.  

Therefore, it is important, before using any expensive products to achieve healthy skin, to get educated about the causes of unclear skin. 

8 factors that cause unclear skin

There are many factors that cause unclear skin, and some of them are as follows, according to the  best dietician in Bangalore:


  1. Hormonal changes: Changes in hormones during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause can cause acne and other skin problems. During puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy, fluctuations in hormones can cause acne breakouts, and the skin might become oilier or drier than usual.The effects of hormonal changes during menopause can cause dry, thin, or flaky skin. However, it is important to note that the effects of hormonal changes differ from one woman to another.

  2. Genetics: Some skin conditions may be inherited, meaning that either one or both parents may pass them on to their offspring.


    Therefore, there is a higher chance that you will develop acne if one of your parents experienced skin issues like acne as an adult or adolescent.


  3. Poor diet: Nutrition has a big impact on how the skin looks. A diet rich in unhealthy fats, highly processed foods, sugar, and salt causes skin problems. If there is a high salt content in the blood, water will be extracted from the cells and skin, leading to dehydration.


    In a similar manner, high sugar intake will also result in water being extracted from the cells to get rid of excess sugar, resulting in dry, flaky skin.

    However, nutritious foods high in nutrients and vitamins promote good-looking skin. It is important to watch the food you consume at all times if your goal is beautiful, glowing skin.

  4. Dehydration: Inadequate water intake leads to dehydrated and dull-looking skin because the skin lacks the necessary hydration to glow.


    Water is crucial for maintaining and controlling bodily processes like the production of oil that hydrates and protects the skin and how much water the skin needs. 

    Professionals recommend 7-8 glasses of water intake per day to ensure adequate hydration.

  5. Environmental factors: pollution, humidity, and weather can all have a negative impact on your skin. Sun exposure damages the skin, resulting in sunburn, uneven skin tones, and dry, flaky patches.

    In winter, due to the coldness and harsh weather, the skin may become dry and itchy, and some people associate spring with skin rashes.
  6. Stress: Stress also causes a series of problems, such as hormonal imbalance or fluctuation and overeating. When people overeat, they consume a high quantity of unhealthy foods that contain excess salt, sugar, and processed food, which is neither good nor healthy.


    The skin experiences a lot of problems, such as acne and other issues.   Furthermore, hormonal fluctuations during this time also cause problems such as inflammation and breakouts.
  7. Poor skincare practices: For healthy, clear-looking skin, a proper skincare routine tailored to your skin type is essential. You should wash your skin regularly with the right products for your skin type and avoid sleeping in makeup.


  8. Medications: The use of certain medications can also lead to skin problems. The skin problems can be due to side effects. These medications include steroids and birth control pills.

Foods that promote healthy skin

Before changing your diet to incorporate foods that alleviate unclear skin, the first thing that you need to do is find out the underlying causes by seeking professional help. 

One of these experts is a nutritionist, who creates meal plans with foods that are good for your skin. According to the nutritionist, the following foods can support healthy skin:

  1. Vitamin A: According to the nutritionist, vitamin A intake is very important for healthy skin because it regulates cell production. Vitamin A has been found to lessen the appearance of acne and dark spots on skin that is prone to breakouts. Foods rich in vitamin A include sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, and mangoes.
  2. Vitamin C: Prolonged exposure to the sun causes skin damage. Vitamin C helps by providing protection against sun damage and also decreasing the damage that might be caused by exposure to the sun.
    It also produces collagen, which keeps the skin plump. You should eat kiwis, strawberries, peppers, and citrus fruits as part of your diet.
  3. Vitamin E: It contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help the skin heal and also protect against damage. Furthermore, it improves the skin’s effectiveness against sun damage and other environmental factors. For foods rich in vitamin E, consume seeds, nuts, avocados, and green leafy vegetables.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids: The skin naturally produces oil, also called sebum. Sebum is crucial for providing moisture to the skin as well as defence against damage. If the skin produces excess or less oil, it suffers from acne breakouts or dehydration.
  5. Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is essential for the production and regulation of the skin’s natural oil. Adequate omega-3 acids can be found in the following foods: walnuts, flaxseed, and fatty fish.
  6. Water: Water is essential for all bodily functions. Your body and skin will suffer if you don’t consume enough water as recommended by experts. Dehydrated skin lacks the glow that gives people a good appearance; instead, it appears dull and unhealthy. For glowing skin, the best nutritionist in Bangalore suggests drinking 7-8 glasses of water daily and eating foods and fruits with high water content.
  7. Antioxidants: Antioxidants have many benefits for your skin;  they promote healing and hydration, provide protection against sun damage and other environmental issues, and help with the production of collagen. Foods rich in antioxidants include citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables,  tomatoes, and berries.
  8. Zinc: Zinc is a mineral that helps the skin by promoting the production of collagen to lessen wrinkle appearance, to keep skin supple and firm, to reduce skin pigmentation for clearer, brighter-looking skin, and to balance skin tone. Zinc can be found in beans, nuts, shellfish, and whole grains.

  9. Eat a balanced diet: Your skin’s ability to glow depends on how healthy you are; therefore, it is essential to also eat a balanced diet. This helps you stay healthy at all times, which is vital for beautiful-looking skin.

    Consume high amounts of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and limit consumption of alcohol, sugary drinks, and processed foods. 

    While there may be many problems contributing to unclear skin, using proper diet and nutrition by working alongside food professionals such as dieticians and nutritionists can improve the appearance of bad-looking skin and promote beautiful, glowing skin. 

    Consumption of nutrient-rich foods and eating a healthy, balanced diet can be a simple yet effective way to help you achieve beautiful skin. If you are not sure which nutrients, vitamins, and foods you need for your skin, contact the best nutritionist in Bangalore. 
