
Livfit Today / Lifestyle

Check out these weight loss drink recipes  to help you lose weight. Learn how to make fat burning homemade drinks to lose belly fat. 

In the search to lose weight, many people look for ways to help them. Some try diets or exercise plans to reach their goals. One popular method now is using homemade drinks that may help burn fat. These drinks are made from natural ingredients that can boost metabolism and cleanse the body.It's essential to know that these drinks are not magic fixes. They work best when combined with healthy eating and regular exercise. They are like helpers that support your weight loss journey. By using them along with good habits, you can make progress towards your goals in a healthy and balanced way.What to Expect from Fat Burning DrinksFat-burning drinks can bring several advantages to your weight loss efforts. They may help speed up your...


Find out what’s the best time to visit the best dietitian in India. Who is a top rated dietician and nutritionist in India

If you're wondering when you can meet a top-rated nutritionist and dietitian in India, the answer is simple: now! Seeking professional guidance for your nutrition needs is essential for improving your health and well-being. Whether you're looking to manage a specific health condition, lose weight, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle, meeting a top-rated nutritionist and dietitian can provide you with the expert advice and support you need to achieve your goals.Meeting a top-rated nutritionist and dietitian in India is a proactive step towards taking control of your health and making positive changes in your life. By scheduling a consultation with a reputable nutritionist, you can gain valuable insights into your dietary habits, receive personalised meal plans, and learn how to make sustainable lifestyle choices....


Expert health tips from the best dietitian and nutritionist in India. Know which nutritionist and dietician in India to follow.

Looking for expert health tips from the best dietitian and nutritionist in India? Seeking guidance from a professional can help you make informed choices about your diet and overall well-being. With the right advice and personalised recommendations, you can improve your health, manage your weight, and enhance your quality of life under the guidance of a trusted expert.A top dietitian and nutritionist in India can provide valuable insights into healthy eating habits, meal planning, and nutritional requirements tailored to your individual needs. By following expert advice, you can develop sustainable lifestyle changes that support your health goals and promote overall wellness. Whether you're looking to boost your energy levels, address specific health concerns, or simply adopt a healthier diet, consulting with a reputable dietitian and...


PCOD Diet Chart for Weight Loss: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. Managing PCOD involves a holistic approach that includes lifestyle modifications, exercise, and most importantly, a well-balanced diet. In this article, we will look into the specifics of a PCOD diet chart designed for weight loss, highlighting the foods to eat and avoid to effectively manage PCOD symptoms.Understanding PCOD DietWhat is the significance of a PCOD diet? A PCOD diet is essential for women with PCOS as it helps in regulating hormone levels, managing weight, and improving overall health. How does diet play a role in managing PCOD? Diet affects insulin resistance, which is a key factor in PCOD development. By following a PCOD-specific diet plan, individuals can better control their blood...

10 Easy Meal Prep Ideas

Prep Like a Pro: 10 Easy Meal Prep Ideas for Busy People

Best Meal Prep Recipes Ever! Delicious & Healthy Meal Prep Ideas and Recipes for High Protein, Easy Prepping Do you ever feel like you're too busy to eat healthy? Maybe you're rushing to work in the morning and grab a sugary pastry on the way, or you're so exhausted after a long day that you order takeout instead of cooking a nutritious meal. You're not alone. Many people struggle with meal prep ideas or maintaining healthy eating habits when they have a busy schedule.The problem is that unhealthy eating can lead to negative consequences, such as weight gain, low energy, and increased risk of chronic diseases. But the good news is that there's a solution: meal prepping. Meal prepping is a powerful tool that can help...

Tips to Lose Weight

Dietitian & Nutritionist for Weight Loss Diet: Tips to Lose Weight

Get the Best Dietitian for Weight Loss Diet Plan Are you struggling with shedding those extra pounds? The journey to lose weight can be daunting, but with the right guidance, it can be achievable and sustainable. Consulting a dietitian at LivFit can make all the difference in your weight management and overall health. A registered dietitian is an invaluable resource for developing a personalised plan to help you achieve a healthy weight through a balanced and nutritious diet. This article will delve into the importance of consulting a dietitian and provide essential tips and plans for healthy weight loss. Importance of Consulting a Dietitian Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight is not just about cutting calories. It's about making sustainable lifestyle changes that support your overall health...

sports nutrition

Sports Nutrition for Athletes: Optimise Your Nutrient & Diet for Sport Performance and Athletic Performance

Sports nutrition is a crucial aspect of an athlete's performance and overall well-being. It involves the study of how nutrition affects athletic performance and how athletes can optimise their nutritional intake to enhance their performance. Proper nutrition for athletes plays a vital role in their performance, recovery, and overall health. It provides the necessary energy and nutrients to fuel training and competition, supports body composition, injury prevention, and recovery. In this blog, we will explore the impact of diet on sport performance and athletic development, the importance of sports nutrition, and busting common myths about sports nutrition.We will discuss key nutrients and their importance, nutrient timing and strategies, individualised nutrition plans, nutrition for specific sports, nutrition and body composition, and nutrition and weight management. We will...


Morning Nutrition Matters: Foods to Avoid on an Empty Stomach for Weight Loss

The way we kick-start our mornings can significantly impact our overall well-being, especially when it comes to weight management. While breakfast is hailed as the most important meal of the day,  be mindful of the foods we consume on an empty stomach.  If you're on a weight loss journey in Delhi, understanding the right choices becomes even more critical. Let’s inspect the foods you should avoid consuming on an empty stomach and provide expert advice from the best nutritionist in Delhi to optimise your weight loss goals. Citrus Fruits and Acidic Foods: While citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are packed with vitamin C and other beneficial nutrients, consuming them on an empty stomach may lead to acid reflux and gastric discomfort. Similarly, acidic foods such as tomatoes, lemons,...


Smart Snacking: Healthy and Delicious Snack Ideas for Women and Kids

When it comes to snacking, making smart choices is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Snacks can be an excellent way to bridge the gap between meals, provide essential nutrients, and keep energy levels stable.  In this article, we will explore a variety of healthy and delicious snack ideas specifically curated by the best dietitian in Bangalore. These snacks are not only packed with vital nutrients but are also designed to cater to the needs of women and kids, ensuring their overall well-being. What is Smart Snacking? Smart snacking involves choosing snacks that provide a balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) as well as essential vitamins and minerals. By selecting snacks with a combination of these nutrients, women and kids can support their energy levels, promote healthy...


Role of Calcium in Bone Health and How to Incorporate It into Your Diet

Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining strong and healthy bones. It is the most abundant mineral in the human body, with 99% of it stored in our bones and teeth. It is the main component of our bone, making up about 1/3 of its weight. Apart from providing structural support, calcium also helps in various physiological processes, including muscle function, nerve transmission, and hormone secretion. Since calcium is not produced by the body, it must be obtained from the foods we consume. Our bodies require vitamin D in order to properly absorb calcium from our diet.Our bodies will take calcium from the places where it is stored (in our bones) if we do not consume enough of it to maintain...
